Poop Reads

  • food rich in probiotics guide - yogurt

    Boost Your Gut and Life With These Probiotic-Rich Foods

    Our guide to probiotics and which probiotic-rich foods to eat to improve your gut health and boost your immune system.
  • Feel Better Fast: Treating Indigestion and GERD Naturally (and deliciously)

    Feel Better Fast: Treating Indigestion and GERD Naturally (and deliciously)

    There are plenty of natural (and delicious) remedies to help ease indigestion and GERD. Not only are these solutions good for your body, but they can also help put a smile on your face again. No more forcing yourself to...

  • What Your Poop Says About Your Health

    What Your Poop Says About Your Health

    Your poop reveals a great deal about your health and how well you're digesting certain foods.
  • 5 Ways to Improve your Gut Health This New Year

    5 Ways to Improve your Gut Health This New Year

    If you want to be more mindful of your health this year start with the GUT!
  • Your Fiber Intake: How Much is Enough?

    Your Fiber Intake: How Much is Enough?

    Here's how much fiber you should be having in your daily diet. Our very own meal plan included!
  • How To Poop Like A Champion

    How To Poop Like A Champion

    Here's how to get the best out of our products. So YOU can be the best.